Thursday, August 31, 2006

Tired, moody is one topic and midwife or MD is the other

OK. I am only 25 weeks and I am not getting how I can be this tired already but I am. I have never been a person that naps but in the past month, I am a napper. I just go to sleep for 20 minutes and then I am good to go. I feel like a doctor with my 20 minute cat naps. So last night we addded to the baby's room with the purchase of a rocking chair. I love it and it will look so good in his room.

Today's thoughts: Do I switch to a midwife from my MD? The closer I get the more I am thinking about the whole birth process. It is not that I do not want to be with an MD but the thought of him being on call and another doctor there or the thought of fighting him not being there except when it is time for the baby to come out..well I may want more. I want what is best fro the baby but I also want what is best for me, meaning that I want a lot of support.

As it stands TODAY, I want my hubby, my mom, Dory and of course, my doula, Ellen. That is my team and my crew. I could not imagine not doing this without the love and support of my mom. She is my best buddy and I love her support and wisdom. My hubby..well I would not have married him if he were not the kindest and warmest man out there. Dory, she is my spiritual sister and she is the baby's god mother. Ellen, well she is the certified nurse/doula and the PRO.

On another note, Scott is going with me next week to my apt with the MD and he is going to ask some questions such as:

1. Can I give birth in any position I would like (of course, not fighting gravity is a good choice)?

2. How often does he do C section?

3. How often does he induce labor?

Thank GOD for my hubby because I do not have an easy time asking tough questions.

So yes, all this baby buying stuff is great but let's talk about the real deal: GIVING BIRTH!!

PS. This is a thank you to my best girlfriend Stacy who always make me feel great, even when I don't want to.


PPS. Baby is sleeping a lot today. He was up for a solid three days punching and talking and having now it is time to rest. WE love you!

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Baby is a fighter!

" Ok little one I feel you." This is a common theme in my mind. Sometimes I even say it out loud but everyday, am and pm, I feel this little guy punching, pushing, stretching and kicking. Sometimes I play back with him to see if he will punch back and yes, at times he does. This started last week, in my 23 rd week, when I could feel not just s tickle or a flutter but a jab to my stomach. It is funny and at times, when I am talking to anyone and he does it, I have to hold my laughter in. I also think that he has an opinion about everything (just like his mom and dad) so he jabs when he wants to make his point or when he gets excited.

So baby talk is now a common theme as well. Be fore the 5th month, it still seems so far away and so it is hard to imagine life with the baby. BUt now it is time to start thinking about the thing we need when the baby comes.

I started watching the baby story,, just so I could see a number of different births and get used to the idea that I will be doign that soon. Honestly, it has made it easier. We have a rowing machine in our house and so I watch two episodes of the baby story (always cry when the baby is born) while rowing and then I feel great.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Daddy felt you kick...

My tribute to my son:

Your daddy felt you kick last night and was amazed at how hard you punch. I on the other hand feel this everyday and know that you are a slugger just like your parents. With your mom and dad both having non stop energy, I would only assume that you are the same.

So today Daddy and I picked out your baby furniture and of course, it looks like mommy and daddy's bed, which you already sleep in every night, so we thought you would like it. Last week I went to Baby R Us and it was not as cheap as I thought. So here we bought a 3 stage crib that will last you your whole life..until college.

I love your bedding and the cherry red crib and chest of drawers. I really thought I would just go and find bedding anywhere but when I saw this and felt it..well it was yours.

Daddy is most excited about your stroller,, and cannot wait to push you all around Philly. Daddy was also worried that you would be cold so he ordered you a special bugaboo sleeping bag for your stroller.

So there it is and we are getting very excited to meet you and bring you home. Everyone wants to meet you especially Stan & Esther, your pug doggies.

We love you!

Thursday, August 17, 2006


Exciting, yes we have hired a doula and I am, not sure who is or my husband. Anyway she is just the sweetest woman but I can see that part of her that can be really aggressive if a doctor really pisses her off. She is a little maternal like granmother who you would think lives in a little cottage in England. She has been doing this forever and was reccomended by two people I admire. I hear there can be really bad doulas out there just like really bad dentists, lawyers, doctors etc. So she will be there for the whole labor and delivery, well she even comes to the house when it starts. I could not ask for anything more. It is nice ebcause then my hubby can enjoy this experience instead of having to be my only support. It is an amazing concept and it has been around forever. We are also taking childbirth classes with her, Birthing from Within,

I am excited because I think this style is kind of who I am. It is a class that helps the mother to go deep within and find that spirit inside of her to keep going. It is about reshaping our ideas and beliefs around birth. I am also excited.

I have been moving fast again and feeling anxious. Scott said just slow down..where are you trying to go? I had to think about that..where am I trying to go? I think I am just scared for all of this new change and yet totally ready for this little boy to come out and say hello. I just need to let go and chill.


Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Baby Vaccines

There is so much to read and so many different opinions. The truth is: yes, do I think our vaccines are not the best with a bunch of chemicals that are bad, of course but who am I to deny my kid a vaccine because some publication says that in the past 10 years they have discovered they are harmful. I am all about the holistic approach but I am also a balance between eastern and western medicine. No Polio is not here right now but who knows where it is lurking. Yes a Hep B shot the minute this little boy is born may not be neccessary but Hep B is around.

So yeah it is a lot to think about and I have very mixed feelings. Scott is not too mixed at all. But this is our kid together and we will come to a decision together. Bottom line, flu shots:NO
Shots that the kid will need to go to school: YES.
Vitamin K in a shot or liquid: UKNOWN

Other than that..this little one is growing because I know I gain close to 1/2 to 1 pound a week. How did Angelina Jolie only gain 25 pounds. I know I am small and used to ahve a 25 inch waist and now it is a wopping 38. i do not eat refined sugar except on occassion and I eat all organic food but I still think I will gain about 40 pounds. Whatever! I work out and take care of my body and hopefully, the weight will drip off.

So life is good and our parents and my friend Laurie is getting excited to buy baby clothes or boy baby clothes. This little on will never worry about lack of attention. Until the next time.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Spring cleaning

Well it may be late but at least it is getting done. We moved our home office to the 3rd floor and now we are making room for the little boy on the 2nd floor. I think we should have had it this way from the start because it looks great and it feels good too. All is well here in Philly. I have not written for a few days because it was over 100 degrees and I was just so tired. It was hard enough to carry my own body let alone peanut but we all managed. Work has been good.

I am working from home and they are transitioning a new girl into my position at the site where the condos are being built. I am still working on the project but at least I am not in that hot and dusty building. This is much better.

So I just want to say thank you to Stacy for sharing so much about her birth and bringing up her little AlEx. It sure makes things less scary.

We are also thinking about a doula and I am interviewing a woman next week. I am excited to be building such a strong team for the day we bring this little one into the world.

I have been stretching and exercising a lot and that makes my body feel so much better. When I just sit around that is when the back aches so bad.

Talk to you soon!