The Birth of Baby Boy Max Benjamin
I first met Rachel and Scott when they interviewed me for the position of birth doula during the labor and birth of their first child. I enjoyed the interview and I felt we were a good match. Thank goodness, so did Scott & Rachel as they hired me and decided to attend my classes in Birthing From Within as well. I was thrilled to be hired for this position. We talked about their ideas of birth. They decided to change from their doctor to midwives at Lankenau Hospital, Ronnie Rothman and Julianna Thompson, to better suit their ideas. We had a fun time in class and they seemed to bond with the other couples in it. They seemed well prepared for labor and birth from research and discussions in class and with their midwives. Each of them had their own questions and concerns about the labor. Since this birth would hopefully be a natural one, there were many more things to think about and prepare for during our doula class. We communicated often to make a birth wish list and to discuss details of their wishes.
On December 19th, 2006, Rachel called to tell me that things were happening at the the stronghold. Rachel was having contractions that had started a little bit after an exam in the office by Ronnie. Ronnie had swept the amniotic membranes to stimulate more effacement as Rachel was a little over due and she did not want to be induced. Then she had gone for an acupuncture treatment and the contractions started in earnest after that. By the time she had arrived at home, she needed to call me and tell me what was going on. That was about 5:00 PM. We talked for awhile and during that time, these seemed to get stronger. The instructions were to eat and then take a shower and see how things went with the contractions. Both of these almost parents seemed so excited and a little nervous but certainly not frightened at all.
We talked again about 8:00 PM and I asked if they would like me to come to the apartment. I arrived at their apartment at 9:00 PM. Rachel was having contractions that were strong and close together, lasting 50 to 80 seconds and coming every 2 to 3 minutes. Rachel was working through them with breathing and movement. She was on the bed when I arrived. Scott was busy helping her with great support and encouragement. Music was playing and the house was calm with lighting subdued, perfect for labor. I felt that we would leave soon. When I asked Rachel if she wanted to leave for the hospital, she was in strong agreement. Scott was a work-horse getting all the things taken care of. His mom arrived to take care of the doggies. He loaded the car with all the things for labor and afterward. He got drinks ready to take and plastic on the car seat with a towel in case the amniotic sac ruptured on the way in the car. Rachel expressed a fear of the long ride to Lankenau. They called Ronnie. She was there and would meet them upon arrival.
They remained calm and trusting. It was interesting getting Rachel dressed for the trip as she had contractions very often. She looked strong and calm and centered. She was using breath awareness and relaxation and seemed very focused. As the mood calmed down a bit, Rachel looked “endorphic” with pink cheeks and calm. We decided to go to the hospital and left at 9:25 PM driving in tandem. Contraction were about 1 to 2 minutes in frequency and lasting 70 to 90 seconds at this time.
We arrived at Lankenau Hospital at 10:00 PM. Scott parked the cars while I went to Labor and Delivery with Rachel. She was admitted to room #3. Ronnie was waiting. Our nurse was Kelly. Soon after arrival, Dale, Rachel’s mother, came to join Rachel. Rachel was examined for 7 cm (stretched to 8 cm) and was 100% effaced, with a bulging bag of water. WOW! We were all thrilled. I was so very proud of Rachel for being the BIRTH WARRIOR that she was proving to be. There was monitoring and questions and getting settled into the room. Rachel got into the shower right after all of this was over and stayed only for a short time. Then she took on the contractions in all different positions. She sat on the toilet and on her hands and knees on the floor. She sat on the ball but not for long as she was feeling the urge to push very soon, at about 11:00 PM.
Much of the pushing took place on the toilet. Rachel had considerable back pressure and we were putting pressure there near her sacrum to relieve it. Ronnie sat on the floor in front of the toilet to watch and guide. Scott and I took turns with the pressure and it seemed to help a bit. Dale was making sure that Rachel had water or Gatorade to drink between contractions. We used heat from a rice sac on her back and the “buns” squeeze to relieve the pressure and pain of the sacrum. Scott put music on and all was well…. But the activity was in high gear.
Rachel moved to the bed and got onto her hands and knees over the bed. Scott got up behind the bed and held the Robozo to help her with a good downward thrust with her pushing effort, which was just wonderful. The crown of the head was emerging slowly and stretching the perineum slowly. Scott was wiping brow and giving drink, with the help of Dale. Ronnie used oil to smooth the way for baby. The baby came right down. Ronnie helped Dale guide the baby’s head out and Scott managed to peak as well.
Then at the glorious time of 12:24 AM on December 20, 2006 (Wednesday), Master Max Benjamin was born. It was a wonderful birth! Pushing took 84 minutes only. Rachel had no tears and did an excellent job of slowly controlling the birth of little Prince. He presented with his right hand next to his face and even with that, there were no tears. I was very impressed! He had curly brown hair and long fingers and toes. He presented mommy with a meconium stool immediately after birth. He had Apgar scores of 8 and 9, excellent! He weighed 6 pounds and 15 ounces and was beautiful, active and very alert. Rachel put him skin on skin. He latched right on with very little assistance and did very well at the breast.
Rachel looked awfully happy and Scott was spell bound as he held his new little son. I was very proud of these two wonderful new parents and I am thrilled that I was the doula they chose to be with them for this mystical and life changing experience. Rachel birthed with flair and confidence and not ANYTHING for pain except a wonderful loving husband who nurtured her the whole way. Her midwifer was by her side and she had a doula to do some cheerleading. What a Birth Warrior! I think that Scott was stunned by the experience and was amazed at Rachel. I was so proud of them both!
What a wonderful day this has been. Thank you for such a beautiful memory with a wonderful family and for allowing me to be a part of it. You are a fabulous couple and I loved being with you.
With Doula Love,
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Friday, December 29, 2006
Baby has arrived!

Birth story to follow..
Max was born December 20th ay 12:24 am. He was 6 pound 15 ounces and 20 inches long. I did an all nayural birth, which lasted 6 1/2 hours. I was lucky.ıreat feeding is great. He has gained 1 pound already and grew 1 inch since birth. I love this kid more than anything in the world.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Nesting & Cleaning
I wish I could figure out how to get this nesting feeling all of the time. Yes, my house is generally very clean but this nesting quality brings out the best in me-cleaning with detail.
At this point, all of our family is waiting by the phone and our neighbors have even asked. Luckily, I am chill and I am not sure why. I am just letting go. I am just enjoying these last moments. I am sad to say that Dory will not be here for the birth or the briss but she and her hubby are in Paris for 10 glorious days. She is with me in spirit and I can hear her voice in my heart.
I will keep you posted!
At this point, all of our family is waiting by the phone and our neighbors have even asked. Luckily, I am chill and I am not sure why. I am just letting go. I am just enjoying these last moments. I am sad to say that Dory will not be here for the birth or the briss but she and her hubby are in Paris for 10 glorious days. She is with me in spirit and I can hear her voice in my heart.
I will keep you posted!
Mucous Plug
I lost the mucous plug this morning at 7:30 am and so now it is just a matter of time. I have no preconceptions of when that will be because only the baby knows when he wants to come into this world. But I thought it was ironic that I lost it on my official Due Date. So all in all I am just letting go of any dates in my head and just relaxing.
Friday, December 15, 2006
Happy Hanukkah and did not think I could get anymore tired..
Things are not horrible but man am I tired. I feel like he has no room. My ribs are getting pushed up into my arm pits and it does not feel good. It is the first night of Hanukkah and I am so happy we are doing take out Chinese food like a a good Jewish family would. Well I know I have 3 days till my due date but I also know that most first time mother's are late so I am not getting my hopes up. But I am feeling so stuffed in the head and almost like I have the flu but I know I am not sick. This boy is taking a lot of energy from me but there is nobody in the world who i would rather give it to.
I have to get the table ready for my family but I wanted to just say hello this evening.
I have to get the table ready for my family but I wanted to just say hello this evening.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Midwife Update at 39 weeks pregnant
Today was our appointment with the midwife and all is good. He is just relaxing and enjoying the warmth of the belly. We talked about being overdue and what that means. We talked about stripping the membranes and induction. Basically this kid, otherwise known as sharky in this family, has till December 30th to arrive on his own will. We disciussed that we would induce before the year's end since his 2 week overdue date is January 1st and sometimes there are not many doctors in the hospital on that day.
As of right now, I have fully surrendered to the fact that he will come in his time and not mine. I think this is an amazing lesson for me and I am proud of myself to getting to this point. It is starting to get uncomfortable in there because some part of his body is stabbing into my right rib, the constant headache, and the complete lack of energy but this is part of it. I have been told that I do not feel crappy enough for birth yet but again, if I did not go to accupuncture every week, I would have felt crappy this whole time. Needless to say, I am doing ok. I have relaxed a lot since I am not officially working right now and so I am just enjoying this time with doggies and my husband.
It is strange to not have any idea when this baby is coming. I almost feel like I am waiting for a surprise party. It is kind of cool.
As of right now, I have fully surrendered to the fact that he will come in his time and not mine. I think this is an amazing lesson for me and I am proud of myself to getting to this point. It is starting to get uncomfortable in there because some part of his body is stabbing into my right rib, the constant headache, and the complete lack of energy but this is part of it. I have been told that I do not feel crappy enough for birth yet but again, if I did not go to accupuncture every week, I would have felt crappy this whole time. Needless to say, I am doing ok. I have relaxed a lot since I am not officially working right now and so I am just enjoying this time with doggies and my husband.
It is strange to not have any idea when this baby is coming. I almost feel like I am waiting for a surprise party. It is kind of cool.
Friday, December 08, 2006
so tired..
It has been tough to blog let alone use my mind in any way. I finally told work that I had to take a step back because my brain was not working. I thought I could work until the moment he decided to arrive. Well I was wrong and I am glad because I needed to just chill out. I got a manicure and pedicure and a massage today. Wow that was great. I still have some work to do but I will take care of it this weekend and then be totally caught up.
As for me, he dropped a little more today. I am 38 weeks and 4 days. I have not been able to wear my rings for a whole week now. I have a big zit on my face that appeared the other day. Og the joys of anxiety and hormones. I am so tired, I keep wondering how a woman gets the energy for labor but I hear we do so I won't worry. I feel like going back to sleep when I wake up..that is the constant feeling. But all because this little guy needs his strength to come out so he can take whatever he needs from me. I am not sleeping to well.
On a good note, I have all of our Hanukkah cards and holiday cards written and they are ready to go.
My belly is huge (eventhough woman think I am 7 months pregnant). Well I will try and keep you posted.
As for me, he dropped a little more today. I am 38 weeks and 4 days. I have not been able to wear my rings for a whole week now. I have a big zit on my face that appeared the other day. Og the joys of anxiety and hormones. I am so tired, I keep wondering how a woman gets the energy for labor but I hear we do so I won't worry. I feel like going back to sleep when I wake up..that is the constant feeling. But all because this little guy needs his strength to come out so he can take whatever he needs from me. I am not sleeping to well.
On a good note, I have all of our Hanukkah cards and holiday cards written and they are ready to go.
My belly is huge (eventhough woman think I am 7 months pregnant). Well I will try and keep you posted.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Counting down...
I am trying not to get restless but not feeling too great these days. I have had the most amazing and easy pregnancy but these last two weeks have been tough and especially this last week. I am tired and ready to send eviction notices out. Update on how I feel. He is moving around a lot and I feel him at all hours of the day and night. I pee every hour duing the night and at least a few times an hour during the day. (Maybe too much information). I can feel this kid hiccup duign the night. I also feel like he is scratching his way out. This stuff is so funny that I have to write it down just so I can remember it. I feel like i am back in the 1st trimester with the smells, the food cravings, the nausea and the irritability.
But all in all I have been very fortunate. Who would have thought we would get pregnant on our honeymoon. I am blessed. 2 years ago yesterday I met my husband and his biz partners at a building I was welling in Old City, Philadelphia. I will never forget what he looked light that day because I was actually weak in the knees. It had been a long time since I looked at a guy and was WOWED! 6 months later we were engaged, 10 months later we were married, 2 days later we were pregnant and in 2 weeks we will be parents. Yes, we are both fire signs. LOL.
So there it update.
But all in all I have been very fortunate. Who would have thought we would get pregnant on our honeymoon. I am blessed. 2 years ago yesterday I met my husband and his biz partners at a building I was welling in Old City, Philadelphia. I will never forget what he looked light that day because I was actually weak in the knees. It had been a long time since I looked at a guy and was WOWED! 6 months later we were engaged, 10 months later we were married, 2 days later we were pregnant and in 2 weeks we will be parents. Yes, we are both fire signs. LOL.
So there it update.
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