Thursday, January 25, 2007

Better than anything in the world..

I don't think anything could be better than this...

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

We love life..

Geez, what did we do with our time before Max. Well for anybody that cares, our pug Stan is doing better. His sister Esther is waiting patiently for him to get better and be able to play. As for Max, these are some great pics with Max and Daddy.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Happy 1 Month B Day!!

Max you are the best thing that has ever happened to us. You are a little angel and we love you so much. The day you were born, we never knew that it would be this wonderful. We always knew that we would love you so much and we were so excited when you decided to come into this world. You smile when we whistle, you smile when I tickle your neck and zerbert your tummy. You love your bath time and you love us singing songs to you. You have discovered your hands in the past 2 weeks and in the last week, you found that you can out them into your mouth. You have grown up so much you actually fit your 0-3 month clothes (this happened 1 1/2 weeks ago). Your little hands and your little feet are getting bigger with every day. You have another roll on your chin and your cheeks are "Breast Milk cheeks". You are truly a blessing. We love you so much.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Max's likes Mommy's hair...

Just to document this for the record..Max likes to pull on my hair. I know he is proud of the fact that he is using his hands and making me say..Oh Maxie..

As for the rest of our house, our pug Stan messed up on of his lumbar discs and now he is on 2 weeks bed rest.Ugh a new baby and a dog that is not allowed to walk..well it could be worse..This is a pic of Stan.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

My mom and Max!

I guess the greatest part of watching my mom hold Max is remembering how wonderful of a mother she is and was when I was growing up. I watch myself with max and I can almost hear my mother's voice in my own hear. When I watch her..I feel like I am watching myself. Wow, Max is lucky..he has 2 of us.

Monday, January 15, 2007

I could sit here forever!!

A special thanks to K for her comment on bed sharing and on Baby Wise. It amazes me these books. Some person had given us this book and YUK..thank goodness I have my head on straight. here is a great pic of Max sitting on my boob and just relaxing.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Baby Wise???

There is a big part of me that hates all of these books which try to tell me how to schedule a baby. In the entire book, Baby Wise. I did find some interesting information but I have the same feeling about this book as I do the political commefcials: they try to tell me why other methods do not work. So what does work? I guess just knowing your baby and and helping your baby along with the same schedule he/she created for his/her at birth. I mean Max seems to nurse every 2 hours so my job is to keep him on this schedule during the day and let him have a big meal right before bed and then he nurses 1 time during the night. Of course this is at 3 weeks old, and in the begining he nurses 2-3 times a night. Ironically, he made this schedule but I have to keep him on it. I think this makes sense.

Max is still sleeping in our room and at times in bed. Any suggestions on how to wean him into his crib and when?

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Breast Feeding

Try and tell me that babies do not want to feed on the breast. I found this while I was looking through some pictures. Max latched on 10 minutes after he was born.

As for the crazy lactation consultant, I have found peace with her thoughts. We live in a world where there are many people with many different ideas about life, politics, war, peace etc. and so bottom line is I should live my life according to my own thoughts. This means leaving out suggestions from family members and consultants that are paid by my insurance. LOL. Seriously, this baby will get all of my love, my heart and my boob. So with that enjoy your day.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Damn consultants..

Is it too much to think that a professional lactation consultant would know the correct information? So I have been a nut for twp days ever since the consultant told me that I must introduce a bottle now or he will never take to one. Now after talking to my doula, who was a maternity nurse for 30 years, and some blog ladies..well this lady may not know the whole truth..But it kills me that she is going around telling women the wrong information. I have been warned about some lactation consultans who work for the insurance companies but it was offered free to me and so I took the opportunity. Again, it just kills me and thank God I have a good network of ladies to run this stuff by..otherwise I would be screwed.

Thanks to K and Cecily especially..

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Thursday, January 04, 2007

To Pump or not to Pump

So I know my hubby would really like to feed the baby but I have so many mixed feelings about Pumping. I am not sure why I do, I know I have fears that max will never nurse after he finds a bottle. It is strange because I was so sure that I would and be comfortable with it. I am going to nurse for a while and it would be nice to have emergency bottles at home for him if his dady or if his grandparents are watching him and I am not home. Ugh!
I know tons of women have done this and I am hoping that after talking about this..well that I will just let go and go with the flow..
But here is a Max photo of him when he is 14 days old. The yawning cracks me up.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Mommy & Max!

Max is 12 days old in this picture. I am going to try and post a picture often (idea taken from K-Ruby to the Rescue). Max and I do a lot of this and we love it!