Time is moving fast. Work has been busier and I think I have made it a positive change in my life so I am pro-active. Needless to say..it is much better. I told Erin who I work with because she is the one who I see everyday, unless she is at corporate that day. She is a very sweet and nice girl and it is a pleasure working with her because she makes me laugh..or she laughs at my jokes. It is fun especially that we have no AC right now and so we joke about that and the time we had no running water or bathrooms but it is a construction site. Anyway, it is fine and really I have 5 more months of working at that location. I would like to step back in early November and then nest for a solid month. Scott and I are good as usual. When we got married, it actually felt like things went back to normal so it just is something that I do not even think about. But this morning I did look at my wedding dress and boy is it stunning and so was I that day. hehehehehehehehe
My brother is graduating school this week and then off to Johns Hopkins. He is very smart and I am very excited for him. My sister came over the other night and it was fun to see her and her friend. She lived in NY but it feels like she is here since driving two hours have never been a big deal to her. And to my sister-I hope the whole world is not jaded!! Just when you least expect it..there it is.
We went out with Erik and Lauren the other night to the Phillies game and had such a great time. Not only do we love Erik but we love Lauren (the best dog walker in town). So there it is..just hanging with friends, living life and enjoying it as much as I can. I am very lucky to have the people in my life that have hearts of gold and are my true friends. For example, last night I went with Lauren to get an AC unit for her house-first Walmart--uugghhh then Home Depot and we found one-8,000 BTU. Now that is true friendship because I did not think twice about not being there with her to help.
So have a good day and think about the people in your life. Do you stop to call them just to say hi? Or do you think about calling but you never do?
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