Saturday, July 15, 2006

100 degrees and good air conditioning

Well it is the heart of the summer and I am so happy that I am only 4 months at this point because I am so hot already. I never do really well in the summer months to begin with but carrying around some extra weight and heat is a whole different story. Tired that is new new answer. But then I ask myself-tired??. I work out, I get enough sleep, I eat right but then I realize that I am pregnant. I see tons of women who do not look tired and I have come to the conclusion that those women do well in the summer months. I just want September to get here soon. Today it is going to be 100-105 on the heat index. Wow.
So our little puggies cannot make it too long outside for a walk.

Last night we went to Paradiso in South Philly with our favorite family to celebrate our favorite kid skipping a grade in his school. Yes, Dory and her family. So Gabriel, who loves Scott (my husband) asked if we could all go for a celebration dinner. It is amazing to see Scott with kids because he is just so natural. Also, I have made a commitment that we never go to Italian again because it is too good to resist. I never eat pasta or bread but hey if you put it in front of is hopeless. So next dinner is Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Mexcican..Anything but Italian. The pain last night from eating tons of pasta with red sauce killed me and my stomach. Poor Scott was saying all night to me, with the heartburn which is 1000 times worse than prior to pregnancy, "Are you ok" and " Can I get you anything". A good burp came out and a cringe and then back to sleep. But what saved the day-my little favorite plum or paste, Umeboshi Plum:

This amazing tool for health saved the day and this morning..well I do not feel so bad. Two plums and a few probiotics and I was good to go.

Today, taking it easy on the stomach. Fruit, kefir, miso, cultured veggies, lentil soup, salad and more Ume plums.

One more thing..I notice in pregnancy a tendency to forget how lucky I am and so today I am saying that I am lucky to have this wonderful life full of so much joy.

As for the baby, who we call peanut, we love you so much already. Peanut is definitely like Scott- loves Du wop and is always on the go.

Until my next post.

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