I wish there was a book that wrote about all of the after stuf that happens, such as the placenta, the mood swings, the weight that will not come off..ya know..all of the stuff that nobody talks about. Also, what about stuffy noses? I wish somebody would have told me that it stinks when your baby is stuffed and that you may have to sit in the bathroom with the shower running HOT until he un stuffs and then you will wait for the time when his booger is visible and then you must squeeze the booger out (which he hates) but needs to be done.
Other things I wish somebody would have told me:
1. There is no such thing as it being too cold for the baby and the baby will get sick stuff. Just add another blanket and another layer.
2. A baby sneezes all of the time since they have no nose hairs.
3. Use a cold air humidifier to make the snot contract and not expand.
4. A baby will tend to be congested..DON'T PANIC!!
6. Trust your instincts and leave the anxiety for the rest of the world.
7. A boy tends to pee at some point when he is in the bath.
8. A fart usually means a poop.
9. For nursing moms: Your baby's digestion is directly related to what you eat.
Now for the fun stuff.. a pic of my little boy playing with his cow on his car seat. I never thought I could love another being so much but I DO.
If you can, squirt breast milk up his nose (it will get all over his face) it really works. :) I've been doing it for days, what with the teeth and now the sick. maybe I should squirt it up my own nose. hhaha
You can squirt breast milk up his nose, as Korin said- it loosens the snot so you can use the snot-bulb to suck it out and it's a good antibiotic. You can also squirt saline up his nose... But I prefer the milk. :) If you have a pump it's pretty quick to pump off a half ounce for nose-squirting and baby-acne rubbing, and chapped-lips rubbing. (It's good for all things that ail baby, it seems.) It works pretty well on my chronically chapped lips, too!
Funny aside- the first time I told my husband that you have to "suck the snot out" of the baby's nose, he was envisioning a snake-bite scene where I had to use my mouth to suck it out. :p He was quite relieved to see a little blue bulb did all the sucking. :p
Good information about the 5-7lbs. :)
I keep a washcloth on the boy's penis so that when it peeps out of the tub I don't get drenched. :p
Oo- and let's not forget the "you may be 3-4 sizes larger in the jeans department even if you've lost most of your baby weight. This is because of pelvic spreading, and will generally go down over time". :p
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