Monday, March 12, 2007

Mommy wieght

So I know that I am always talking about Max and how much he weighs but today it is about me. I decided last week to go on a diet and not one of starvation but one of whole foods. I always ate organic during pregnancy and ate lots of great foods: fruit, nuts, veggies etc and of course, lots of yummy vegan goodies plus an occassional treat made by my mother in law.

So I decided to cut out the "eat whatever you want pregnancy thing" and go back to eating more like I used to. I was also inspired by max's allergic reactions to foods and so that got me reading MY HEALTH books again. Such as THE BODY ECOLOGY DIET BY DONNA GATES AND THE PH MIRACLE. Both of these books are evry inspirational for me. So with that I lost 2 pounds and I know I should work on only losing 1 pound a week so I do not mess up by milk supply or qaulity. At the end of the day, my milk is so important for my baby boy.

I have been eating tons of food all day and still lost the weight. This is so exciting for me because I have always been petite and I did not eat a lot. I never allowed myself to consume a lot of food so it is amazing for me to eat and lose weight. Being pregnant and now going through the postpartum weight loss has been a very healing experience. I am taking this one day at a time because my head is already spinning wondering if I can keep this up for my whole life. LOL

So I gained 40 pounds in pregnancy and have lost 30 pounds. I know that my body needs to have some weight for Max to get good milk so he can get fat. But it is nice to feel a pound ot two come off.

Thanks for listening.


CecilyK said...

Dieting while nursing is tough! Weight Watchers gives me 10 extra points for nursing (roughly 300-600 extra calories) and that helps--I'm still dropping a pound or two a week without too much trouble.

I did notice, though, if I don't include good fats--like avocados, etc--my milk goes from "whole" to "skim" pretty quickly. I was eating a lot of quantity that was all low-fat and suddenly Tori was waking up a lot more and much hungrier. So go easy!

Anonymous said...

If you eat things like avocados they don't keep the weight on but they sure do help make the milk nice and fatty for the wee one. :)

I love healthy fats. :)

Congrats on the weight loss. It's cool to be getting more or less the body you're familiar with back, isn't it? I'm still waiting for my belly button to go back to its old color. :p It looks like I rubbed chocolate syrup in it.