Wednesday, September 06, 2006


I spoke last night to a midwife I am going to interview, Ronnie Rothman (another )crazy jew like me). It was a very different experience than the MD. She and I spoke for over 10 minutes, while she was driving back to the hospital after being up all night. She works with one other midwife, Julianna, and so if I go into labor and Ronnie is in another room, Julianna will start and Ronnie will finish. They also have a doctor on thier team who works at the hospital 12 hours a day, 6 days a week. He lives 5 minutes away from the hospital and is called if there is any emergency, just like our MD wold be called if I went into labor etc. The nicest part is they do not work on timelines. I do not want and epidural or pitocin and so that is very important to me. It was also great to speak to a woman about birth and not be rushed, which is what I feel with the MD. I want this little one to come out to the world in a natural and peaceful surrounding with a team full of spirited women and my hubby. The amazing part is that my husband supports me in any decision I make about the birth but as I have said before, he feels very strongly about being in a hospital and I agree.

So I am meeting her on Thursday and we are taking the tour of the hospital. The other part that is very cool-the midwifes have the option of using the jacuzzi's and so I am really excited too.

About the little one, he is moving around a lot and sitting on my bladder at least 4 times a week. I have started to relax again about this pregnancy. I spent the day with my mom doing regsitry and looking at layette clothes and now I feel better. I don't know what I would do without my relationship with my mom. I also think about these couples who do not share thier lives with each other. They alsmos live of life of marriage but separate but that is not my life. My husband is my best friend and I am excited to start with journey with him. Although last nigth he told me that he may faint in the delivery room-thank God for the spirited women. LOL.

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