Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Midwife Update at 39 weeks pregnant

Today was our appointment with the midwife and all is good. He is just relaxing and enjoying the warmth of the belly. We talked about being overdue and what that means. We talked about stripping the membranes and induction. Basically this kid, otherwise known as sharky in this family, has till December 30th to arrive on his own will. We disciussed that we would induce before the year's end since his 2 week overdue date is January 1st and sometimes there are not many doctors in the hospital on that day.

As of right now, I have fully surrendered to the fact that he will come in his time and not mine. I think this is an amazing lesson for me and I am proud of myself to getting to this point. It is starting to get uncomfortable in there because some part of his body is stabbing into my right rib, the constant headache, and the complete lack of energy but this is part of it. I have been told that I do not feel crappy enough for birth yet but again, if I did not go to accupuncture every week, I would have felt crappy this whole time. Needless to say, I am doing ok. I have relaxed a lot since I am not officially working right now and so I am just enjoying this time with doggies and my husband.

It is strange to not have any idea when this baby is coming. I almost feel like I am waiting for a surprise party. It is kind of cool.

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