Sunday, January 14, 2007

Baby Wise???

There is a big part of me that hates all of these books which try to tell me how to schedule a baby. In the entire book, Baby Wise. I did find some interesting information but I have the same feeling about this book as I do the political commefcials: they try to tell me why other methods do not work. So what does work? I guess just knowing your baby and and helping your baby along with the same schedule he/she created for his/her at birth. I mean Max seems to nurse every 2 hours so my job is to keep him on this schedule during the day and let him have a big meal right before bed and then he nurses 1 time during the night. Of course this is at 3 weeks old, and in the begining he nurses 2-3 times a night. Ironically, he made this schedule but I have to keep him on it. I think this makes sense.

Max is still sleeping in our room and at times in bed. Any suggestions on how to wean him into his crib and when?

1 comment:

Korin said...

No advice, as Ruby still sleeps with us (happily I might add). we never even bought a crib, and assume we'll get on or a bed when she's ready.
As for scheduling and babywise (I believe that book is the work of the devil) but just when you think the baby is doing something regular, he'll change ;) ((of course we still nurse every 2 hours round the clock! - hence still sleeping together.)) babies are little people still figuring themselves and the world out. Everything changes, all the time.

PS. Babywise (and ezzo) are evil, and treat babies like non-people. Uck.