Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!

Things are good here. Lots of sleet and ice.We took Max out yesterday for his first snow outing. I have pics that I will post tomorrow. It amazes me how fast he is growing and how much he is changing. Well I wish I had the want to blog more today but I have been doing our personal and business taxes for days. We went and bought Quicken for 2007 and I am so happy since I am lost in the excel spread sheets. Thank goodness Mx is such a good baby. My days have been:

1. Nurse
2. Workout
3. Nurse
4. Change Diapers
5. Taxes. Taxes, Taxes
and it keeps going like that

I also started working and because I work from home, well my day it ptetty similar each day but I love it.I also know how lucky I am that my boss allows me to work from home.Plus my hubby, who owns his biz's can watch Max when I need to go to meetings.

I know we are so lucky that Max does not have to go to day care and will be with one of us at all times during these early days.

Again, happy valentines day to all the mommies and babies out there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

:) Love the working at home thing. Both hubby and I do that, as well. My little guy spends most of his day-naps passed out in my lap. The lighter day-sleep means he sleeps longer at night, too!

I love that he's going to get to grow up with both parents there most of the time.

Your little guy is a lucky one, too!