Friday, March 16, 2007



Come visit my new blog!!! Just click on where it says MY NEW BLOG HERE and it should take you there but if you have a problem, copy and paste this website

Hope to see you all there..My New Blog Here!!

Thursday, March 15, 2007


I have not been able to post pictures on this blog and that is just nutty. Can anyone help with either a new place to put the blog and how to transfer all of the archives over?

I would even pay someone to do it and possibly to design it azs well. I realize that this blog has helped me in so many ways and it has given me a very safe place to express myself as a pregnant woman, a wife, a mom and just a woman trying to balance home and work.

Any suggestions would be so appreciated.

Thanks so much!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

in the mouth...

Everything is in the mouth. Max is no longer obssessed with putting his fist in his mouth (he mastered that), instead he loves tp put his blanki, his shirt, my shirt, his towel..anything.

He has also started to pull his butt up in the air. I can tell he is quite proud. He also tries to rock side to side.

As for sleep he slept 7 hours ;ast night.I am not assuming this will happen tonight but it would be nice.

But who cares...cause I am still a good mommy with limited sleep.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


I started this blog for many reasons. I have dound this blog to be a journal and a friend. I never thought I would find a support system in this blog. I havw asked many blog moms about so many topics:






and so many more. It has been so helpful to me. I do not have a blog where tons of people comment but the one person who reaches out to me makes such a difference.
It is easy to feel alone at times. It is hard to remember that there are so many women out there that are going though the same journey. Being a mom is so complicated and so easy. I am learning so much about myself and my family.

As for me lately, I have been thinking about my non existent father. It is his birthday on the 16th and it always makes me kind of sad, even though I know it is better off that he is not around. I think about Max and how available we are too him 24 hours a day. I think about how my father never was. I am happy that Max will have a different experience with his parents who adore him and would never leave him.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Mommy wieght

So I know that I am always talking about Max and how much he weighs but today it is about me. I decided last week to go on a diet and not one of starvation but one of whole foods. I always ate organic during pregnancy and ate lots of great foods: fruit, nuts, veggies etc and of course, lots of yummy vegan goodies plus an occassional treat made by my mother in law.

So I decided to cut out the "eat whatever you want pregnancy thing" and go back to eating more like I used to. I was also inspired by max's allergic reactions to foods and so that got me reading MY HEALTH books again. Such as THE BODY ECOLOGY DIET BY DONNA GATES AND THE PH MIRACLE. Both of these books are evry inspirational for me. So with that I lost 2 pounds and I know I should work on only losing 1 pound a week so I do not mess up by milk supply or qaulity. At the end of the day, my milk is so important for my baby boy.

I have been eating tons of food all day and still lost the weight. This is so exciting for me because I have always been petite and I did not eat a lot. I never allowed myself to consume a lot of food so it is amazing for me to eat and lose weight. Being pregnant and now going through the postpartum weight loss has been a very healing experience. I am taking this one day at a time because my head is already spinning wondering if I can keep this up for my whole life. LOL

So I gained 40 pounds in pregnancy and have lost 30 pounds. I know that my body needs to have some weight for Max to get good milk so he can get fat. But it is nice to feel a pound ot two come off.

Thanks for listening.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Nursing" Free of dairy, corn, wheat and eggs

Well I have always been a great eater and we eat primarily all organic (ouch$$$). During pregnancy I started to eat yogurt and kefir out of fear that I did not have enough calcium. I have always been lactose intolerant myself but I figured Max would be okay with the same foods I ate during the time he was inside of me. Well, NO!!! So he had a few patches of cradle cap and our new PED. said that he is allergic to something and I knew right away...the dairy. So we stopped the dairy and he has much better skin (even though his skin was pretty good). Then I had eggs 2 days in a row and this poor guy farted and cried and farted and cried..OH more eggs. So I have not eaten wheat/white flour since the last few days of my pregnancy so that does not matter and why mess with corn.

So I am eating millet, buckwheat and amaranth with an occasional yeast free bread made in Canada. I still eat brown rice and rice cakes so I am not starving and this body could do without some of these pounds anyway. LOL.

But the people who will be really sad if he is anything like me, not able to digest milk at all and pay for it when I do, will be his grandmothers. Both of his granmother's always talk about cookies, cakes and ice cream with lots of hot fudge.

So instead this kid will grow up on rice milk, limited soy milk (the horomones for boys..aaahhh not so great) and almond milk. So that will be a rice milk or soy milk ice cream with organic chocolate or carob hot sauce, fresh strawberies, fresh soy whipped cream, and lots of chopped nuts..YUMMY!!

Thank goodness we live in Philly near two amazing vegan markets that specialize in making tons of goodies like this and great birthday cakes too becuase I have been dealing with this myself forever but I think it is actually a blessing.

A gift from heaven..Daphne Goldberg

Her name is Daphne Goldberg MD and she is our new pediatrician. She is an amazing doctor but she also beleives in using homeopathy as well. She is a mother of 5 (3 of her own and 2 step children. My husband and I have been working really hard to figure out this vaccination business. I started reading "Vaccinations: A Thoughtful Parents Guide wirtten by Aviva Jill Romm, who is a mother, a midwife and a homeopathic doctor. Well the bottom line is that this Ped. has shots without preservatives. Amazing huh? So we are going to wait till he is closer to 6 months to start him on his shots (before we go to Chicago for my hubby's marathon) and by then his immune system will be ready. Yeah!!! Also, she is just the sweetest woman too and we talked to her for 1 1/2. For all of us who know the health care system..well that is unreal. So yes, she is our fallen angel..well Max's fallen angel.

Now we can actually trust someone who is working with us and not against us.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Your hands..

Max, You love to eat your hands. It is usually your left hand so Daddy and I wonder if you will be left handed. As for eating it, you really love to eat your hand when you are in the bath which is why Mommy makes sure you are washed with all natural and organic products. I love using California Baby plus it has lavendar in all of the products which smells so good.

When I watch you eat your hands, I know you arer so proud of yourself. At times, you like to shove your hand in your mouth and pull it out and back in and pull it out and this may go on for 20 minutes.

It is the little things in life that make Max laugh and smile. For today, I am going to remind myself of all the little things that make me laugh and smile too.

And here are some great pictures of Max.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Such a great daddy..

I always knew my hubby would be a great dad but I never thought he would be this good. I have watched him with our two pugs. He cradles them, plays with them, kisses them, washes them and takes them to the vet when they are sick...he also worries about them. I have also watched him with other kids but never with a baby.

But watching him makes me smile, warms my heart, and sends chills up my spine. This morning I came home from the gym and there they hubby and our boy sleeping with each other in our bed. Max was cuddled in his arms and protected from the world. It made me feel so wonderful. I am also lucky that when I leave the house, I know that Max is taken care of by the best person in the world, HIS DADDY.

Pictures of my boy..

Monday, March 05, 2007

MY little Pork chop...

We went to the Ped. today and he is 24 1/4 inches and weighs 12.5 pounds. Oh my goodness. I knew he was a little porker when his pants did not fit the other day. It is wild to watch this little guy grow. His new favorite game is copy cat. You put out your tongue and then he puts out his tongue. He is the best.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Max Tickler

Lilypie Breastfeeding Ticker

Thanks to Lil Liberal momma from NYC for showing this cool tickler in her blog. Breastfed babies rock!!

Max is talking...

Just an update. Max is talking up a storm. He even plays copy cat with Scott and I. He like to mimic noises and faces.His favorite game is to move his tongue in and out.

Sorry for the lack of blogging but I was not feeling too well.