Thursday, August 31, 2006

Tired, moody is one topic and midwife or MD is the other

OK. I am only 25 weeks and I am not getting how I can be this tired already but I am. I have never been a person that naps but in the past month, I am a napper. I just go to sleep for 20 minutes and then I am good to go. I feel like a doctor with my 20 minute cat naps. So last night we addded to the baby's room with the purchase of a rocking chair. I love it and it will look so good in his room.

Today's thoughts: Do I switch to a midwife from my MD? The closer I get the more I am thinking about the whole birth process. It is not that I do not want to be with an MD but the thought of him being on call and another doctor there or the thought of fighting him not being there except when it is time for the baby to come out..well I may want more. I want what is best fro the baby but I also want what is best for me, meaning that I want a lot of support.

As it stands TODAY, I want my hubby, my mom, Dory and of course, my doula, Ellen. That is my team and my crew. I could not imagine not doing this without the love and support of my mom. She is my best buddy and I love her support and wisdom. My hubby..well I would not have married him if he were not the kindest and warmest man out there. Dory, she is my spiritual sister and she is the baby's god mother. Ellen, well she is the certified nurse/doula and the PRO.

On another note, Scott is going with me next week to my apt with the MD and he is going to ask some questions such as:

1. Can I give birth in any position I would like (of course, not fighting gravity is a good choice)?

2. How often does he do C section?

3. How often does he induce labor?

Thank GOD for my hubby because I do not have an easy time asking tough questions.

So yes, all this baby buying stuff is great but let's talk about the real deal: GIVING BIRTH!!

PS. This is a thank you to my best girlfriend Stacy who always make me feel great, even when I don't want to.


PPS. Baby is sleeping a lot today. He was up for a solid three days punching and talking and having now it is time to rest. WE love you!

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