Tuesday, October 24, 2006

blah, blah pregnancy hormones

Well I need to blog since it has been a couple of days. I have not really slept in about 4 days. I pee at least 10 times before I go to sleep and then at least 3 or 4 during the night. I am only 8 months along..could this get any worse? I feel annoying these days. I am usualy really independent but lately I have been so needy. But I am not needy in the way of..hey, thanks..I am needy in this way..Oh ok (really thinking that my hubby did not do it right)..yeah that way and that way is no fun for anyone. I feel almost like the 1st trimester when I just wanted to run away and live on a boat in the BVI with a little baby boy. Yeah that is healthy. I have no patience, no tolerance and no energy. I feel alone yet I do not really want anyone around me. My brain is not working and it is tough for me to get enough energy to make it through the day. I feel tears behind my eyes and anger in my shoulders. It frustrates me to not be able to take care of the things I need to. I am just so tired. At this point, I would settle for a hotel in Philly..LOL..it all just seems too much. making a phone call is hard let alone talking while I am on the phone.

So poor me..bottom line is that I do not handle feeling crappy to well. I also hate to be needy and ask for help and these days I know I am not that fun to live with. I am not a bitch but I do like things a certain way.

Anything is tough when I am tired and I know it will only get worse. I just feel so sad even though I feel so excited inside.
Hormones..they are the enemy but they are also my friends because they are keeping this beautiful baby growing insde of me with everything he needs.

What a paradox.

I am not feeling sorry for myself.. I am just feeling blah.

Until next time.

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