Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Letting go...

It has taken me years to be able to say these words without feeling sick. I have learned to let go of many things during these 31 years. Getting pregnant and carrying this baby inside of me has taught me more about myself than any book, retreat or therapy could have ever explained. There was a time-in the beginning of pregnancy-where I wondered how I would make it a whole 9 months because I am so impatient but I have just learned to let go and trust. I never thought I would say that word either and believe it but today I can say it and mean it. I am so lucky for those women in my life who have done this and not just because they tell me what to buy and what not to buy but they teach me how to be a better woman, mother and wife. Scott and I have become so much closer during this experience. My dogs are even closer to me. I have learned how to let people in.

I was just saying to my mom in law that I feel good about everything. I am not worried about the baby's room, even considering that I am Jewish and WE DO NOT set ANYTHING up in the room until the BABY ARRIVES. But I know she will do a great job getting everything together for when WE (3) come home. Trust.

I also have let go a number of resentments that have lingered for even years because getting pregnant has taught me that those feelings in my life do not have room anymore. Now it does not mean I did not get upset but I have learned to let go faster. It is amazing that this little one inside of me has such a presence in my life already. I love him so much already. I am blessed.

And a thanks to my mom in law for painting the baby's room!


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