Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Exactly 60 days till the Due Date

Oh Boy! Only 60 days till peanuts Due date. It is so exciting. I have all the baby clothing taken care of. Between Old Navy (thanks for the suggestion ma in law) and the Gap..let's say we are doing good. I felt so good about myself for not going to a boutique for the clothing, especially because we are fronting the check. This whole experience has really strengethened my relationship with my hubby. Birth class was a blessing because it forced us to acknowledge some real issues about birth and parenthood.

As for me these days...I am starting to get tired and so I need to just not run myself so fast. Although I had a few hours where I was totally inspired and then it, tired, impatient can be the mode of operation if I just don't get enough sleep but luckily it has not been too bad. Well I am off to Yoga tonight, a 8 series class that I signed up for with other new mommies to be. It will be fun and good for me since I do not like sitting still..ALL GOOD PRACTICE.

Oh he just kicked to say hello and tell you all that he will be here soon enough.


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