Saturday, June 24, 2006

Home?? Work??

As I am sure all of you know, I am working from home. The building I was working in is a full construction site. Between the dust, asbestos removal and just basic construction, it was even too much for me. Now I am the kid who skateboards with no helmet but I was not comfortable. It is easy not to think there is a little baby in there when you are not fat and house-like and can't catch your breath. But now, a belly, tough time breathing and so tired with the heat..Oh Boy, I am prego. So with that, I am home working here which is strange because I do the same amount of work but I feel guilty. Most people would be happy-not working too many hours and getting paid the I do not feel right. But it is what it is and I have made Scott;s life tough enough with the attitude that I am going to let it go and move on. This brings me to another topic-pregnancy and sensitivity. Okay, I am sensitive to everything. Say one thing to me and it feels like the world is crashing down. Okay. Stop. Breathe and realize that you are pregnant and sensitive to begin with. Does this mean that I am nutty, NO!! It means that I do not want to hear drama. I can't take it. So a truth for woman: hormones stink!

Another pregnancy truth-chew gum to help with the heartburn. Another truth-your tummy and boobs are so hot but the rest of your body ios cool. Wear a sweatshirt/long sleeve and then let your tummy and boobs hang out. It looks funny but it works. Also, when sleeping..switch sides because it seems when I sleep on the left too much-well I pee all night. Also, don't get near your husband/partner because he will start to sweat from your heat. Drink tons of water and eat lots of watermelon but not before bed because I had to pee 12 times last night. Another truth-the back of your arms will start to look like you are 90. Again, your things will rub and your will have a large pimple somewhere on your face/back at all times. People will also tell you that you are cute or maybe this is me because I am short. They will also touch your belly and say..aaahhhh.

So onto my buddies who keep me sane. Thanks Stacy S for all your help, love and support. You have always been there for me.

Okay..gotta run.

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